Derim Steels Ltd Banner

Rod in coil is straightened and cut to length to order. Diameters from 5.5mm to 10mm and lengths up to 6 meters are available.
We usually carry stock of 5.5mm rod cut to 5'8" and 7'8" lengths in one tonne bundles. Please telephone to check availability.
R6 on Lorry

Reference quantities for common sizes:
5.5mm : 5'8"/68"/1725mm : 1Tonne : 3100pieces
5.5mm : 7'8"/92"/2335mm : 1Tonne : 2295pieces
R6 Bundles

Plastic fencepost spacers:
4"x4" fencepost : 1500 spacers/bag
5"x4" fencepost : 1500 spacers/bag
5"x5" fencepost : 500 spacers/bag
Fence Post Spacer
Fence Post Spacer

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